The woman who once lifted the lid off the inner secrets of the adult entertainment industry is now one of about 1,400 high-class escorts operating entirely on their own in the West Midlands area. She told me her surprise to witness the nature of the business to unfold before her only when she began over a year ago. I could hardly believe my ears.
To make matters worse, I discovered that the woman I had once written off as a ‘neophyte’ was one of the top three high-class escorts in the UK. Now she told me she was making close to fifty grand a month and had almost no regular clients. No, that was not what I had in mind. I wanted to be an escort for special occasions and to spend time with those special to me like my wife. I wanted to enjoy life like other people and not have to be grateful to anyone for it.
My new high-class escorts were a pair of Polish girls who were going to provide me with exotic entertainment. They said they were in the sex industry for the special occasion and hoped to occasionally ‘massage‘ their clients for cash. The two women were soon putting up their stalls in an out of the way part of a busy road. A curious customer who had been down the road and heard the girls talking about how good their service was would turn up and give them a chance.
My first encounter with the Polish girls turned out to be a good one. They invited me in for a light meal and asked if I minded having sex with them while they took care of some business. I declined and they left with a very gratifying smile on their faces. The experience made me realise that high-class escorts really do exist.
It wasn’t long before I was arranging more private encounters. In fact, many of my current clients are former high-class escorts. Their stories make for interesting reading and some of them have nothing to do with the specialising in survival sex works industry. One of my regular clients is a lady who left a very high-class agency. She told me she had been paid $1000 a month by a Middle Eastern prince who wanted her to serve him as an exotic dancer in his club. Her agency, it turns out, was run by a man called Oded Bar-On who is well into retirement and paid her under a generous contract.
Despite her apparent background, however, the woman has not had any recent private encounters. It’s apparent from the responses of her internet and phone messages that she has been, for the most part, quite happy to play the role of a high-class escorts for some men. Many of my clients are women like this who are looking for an easy way in which to make a little extra money. Some of them don’t even know they’re actually working as an escort!
What Do Escorts Offer?
What do escorts offer? For the answer, let’s first define what an escort is. Escorts in plain sight implies a girl that doesn’t want to be publicly seen with her guy. More commonly, an escort is a woman who is used by a man as a sexual companion. It has been suggested that an escort may be defined as a man who seduces a woman. Regardless of what you call them, they have been defined as people who will make certain that their particular sexual demands are met by their male partner.
When speaking about what escorts are capable of doing, they are generally considered to be women that are used by men for sexual services. Usually, these are women that are attractive and that know how to make men happy. They can be professionally trained to perform a variety of different sexual acts, but their main focus will always be to help their man to reach orgasm. While some women may only be slightly flirtatious with their partners, some will go as far as sleeping with them, while others will perform masturbation on their boss’ office desk.
While most women that are involved in this industry are of the “sexy and friendly” variety, there are a few that are considered to be “rough and ready”. These escorts have usually had previous sexual experience and are often experienced in intercourse. What they do is they use their knowledge and skills to either tease or to penetrate their men. The more adventurous the couple is, the more open the women are about the whole situation and the more memorable the experience will usually be for both men and women.
What do escorts offer their men in return? Most women tend to offer gifts to their men. These gifts will vary widely depending on what the relationship is at that point. Some may offer small, sexy gifts such as erotic lingerie. Others may offer bigger gifts like money or exotic travel opportunities. If the woman has a lot of experience in giving oral sex, then she may also offer to teach one of her clients certain techniques in order to help him to please his partner.
What do escorts offer their customers in terms of support? The men who hire them will find what do escorts offer to be an excellent way to keep themselves from getting caught up in unwanted situations. For example, what women commonly do is use their body language to suggest that they are available for sex. If a man is paying for a specific service, then he will know that they can expect sex at any time and will not feel pressured into doing something they may not like.
What do escorts offer their customers in terms of what they can do? While they generally cannot give you specific directions as to what you should do, what do escorts offer is a way to give you a little extra confidence in your daily life. If a woman does not want to get caught, then she will move things along and take things slow until you have both agreed to go ahead with this experience. Many times, what do escorts offer is a way to enjoy a night together without anyone ever going to jail or reporting them to the police.